Saturday, April 14, 2012

Impacts of the Industrial Revolution...

All these inventions had a significant impact in the lives back then. The advancements in farming produced more and better food, which reduced diseases and starvation rates. The various inventions led to more a convenient life for many. They were also the basis of further advancements in technology, and led to the increased use of machinery. Imagine a world with none or little use of machinery – most of the things you see now, like gadgets and food, wouldn’t exist!
Another change was the expansion of cities.

Fig 4.1. A city during the Industrial Revolution. Doesn't look too homely, does it? L

Before, most people lived on farms in rural areas. With the growth of factories, people moved to towns and cities for jobs. Between the early to mid-nineteenth century, the number of people in cities increased drastically.


The drastic increase in population in cities led to disastrous consequences initially. The cities grew too quickly. There were too many people in such a short time! This caused the cities to be filthy and disorganized. There were also insufficient houses, which caused some to resort to living in cellars. Can you imagine being forced to live and squeeze in a room as small as your toilet with more than 5 other people?
Fig 4.2. Slums, which are overcrowded streets inhabited by people, are a common sight in the cities.

Waste and filth were also not disposed of properly, which led to poor sanitation and the widespread of disease. This was further worsened by the pollution produced from the factories.
Fig 4.3. An artists' depiction of the pollution caused by factories. It is not as exaggerated as you think!

Although situations improved eventually, there was much loss of life in the first few years, mainly due to the widespread of diseases like cholera caused by the unhygienic conditions.

In conclusion….
The Industrial Revolution, as did most revolutions, significantly impacted the people’s ways of life and thinking, both negatively and positively. Most of the changes and inventions have a lasting impact, without which our lives would not be the same.


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